Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Do you know your blood group?

Blood....Red and Fluidic
Have you ever wondered why the blood is so much important?
Simply without blood, humans can't survive!
Many occasions, it is prudent to know a little more about your blood group. Knowing your blood group will help you as well as others.
Scientifically human blood can be grouped under hundreds of systems and types depending on the compounds called antigens present on your red blood cell surface . But only very few systems are important to your health.
Of that, the most famous ABO and Rhesus (Rh) are the most important.
So without going into technical jargon, let's get on to the business
There are four ABO (A, B, AB & O) group and two Rh groups (Rh antigen present  & Rh antigen absent)

When combining both systems together, you will get eight groups.
A Rh positive
A Rh Negative
B Rh positive
B Rh NegativeAB Rh positive
AB Rh NegativeO Rh positive
O Rh Negative
The relative frequency of each blood type varies geographically. But generally the O Rh positive group is more common and AB Rh negative is the rarest. (In ABO O is commoner and AB is rarer; in Rh, the negative one is less common)
On the other hand, due to blood antibodies (which are the army soldiers inside you to combat and destroy any antigen foreign to you) found in your body, Almost everyone can accept O Rh negative blood safely and on the other hand AB Rh positive guys can accept virtually any ABO/Rh blood.
So good old days, it is said O Rh negative people as "Universal Donors" and AB Rh positive people as "Universal Recipients"- The Lucky Ones
Contrary to this, O Rh negative people almost always need the same O Rh negative blood.
And being lucky is not always a reason to be happy, Because AB Rh positive people can only donate their blood to people of same AB Rh positive category!

Next time Let's Talk about Safe Blood Donation!

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